Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Pinkham Way move goes to Barnet Cabinet

Report to Barnet Cabinet 29 Nov., here.

"Cabinet approved the sale of the Council’s land at Pinkham Way in LB Haringey to the NLWA for £12.1 million as part of a collaborative joint venture to relocate the Depot and provide for a new waste handling facility. Contracts were exchanged in December 2009. The receipt is due in January 2011, subject to satisfaction of contractual preconditions and completion of the sale. 
"The programme to develop the site for waste and the relocated depot is complex and high risk but is being managed between the Council’s Commercial Directorate (governed by the Relocation Board) and NLWA Procurement team."

1 comment:

  1. A lot of us do not like politics but the facts are simple. If you don't like whats happening here make it clear to your local councillor. Tell them that you will not vote for them unless they campaign against the project. If they think they are going to loose their seat they will soon change their opinions. If enough people do it will have an effect.
