Saturday, 26 February 2011

Editorial: "Indecent Haste by Authorities - so Sieze The Moment!"

The North London Waste Authority pre-application consultation period has (technically) closed already!
(but try finding that from the website front page - it is not obvious!)

The equivalent Barnet Council consultation period is a lot longer - until next Monday, 28th!

(Barnet Times)
You may decide that the document available there is unreadable. It is a copy of the display boards at the exhibition last week. However, printing them on A4 means the text is too small to read. This seems to be worthy of your complaint to them!

The other reason to complain, of course, is the very short consultation period. It ought to be 4 to 6 weeks, with considerable advertising. This is pre-planning application consultation, and your comments will have to be documented in a "Statement of Community Involvement" which applies to all big schemes.

Waiting until the planning application itself appears makes it much harder to challenge any of the assumptions about the need for, or scale of, the development. So seize the moment!

1 comment:

  1. Haringey residents will be heavily effected by the new waste unit yet they have not been consulted or had any exhibitions presented about it. Its a disgrace to democracy!
