Monday, 4 April 2011

"Roll Up, Roll Up! Meeting of North London Waste Authority!"

Next meeting of the North London Waste Authority

10.30am, Tuesday, 5 April, 2011

Camden Town Hall, Argyle Street,  

The agenda is here.

There is virtually nothing in the public part of the meeting. However, there is an item called 'DEPUTATIONS'.
(No, we don't know what that means, either.)

UPDATE: We know now!


A.17.1 Entitlement to Make a Deputation Request
Any person likely to be affected by a matter in which the Authority has functions, or which affects that area of the Authority, or some of it, or the inhabitants of that area, may ask that a deputation should be received by the Authority.

A.17.2 Deadline for Deputation Request
Such a request shall be made in writing to the Clerk setting out the reason why the deputation should be received, by no later that 2 clear working days before an Authority meeting.

A.17.3 Contents of Deputation Request
The person making the request shall indicate the matter to which the request relates, the number (which shall not exceed 7) names and addresses of the persons who will form the deputation, and the one member of the deputation who will address the Council.

A.17 4 Procedure for Deputations addressing the Meeting
On being called, the person speaking for the deputation may make such relevant remarks as they think fit, during a period not exceeding five minutes. The remarks shall be relevant to the matter indicated when the request was made, and must not constitute a personal attack upon any person. The person speaking shall be heard in silence.

A.17.5 Response to the Deputation
Members of the Authority may, during a further period not exceeding five minutes, ask questions of the deputation

After the deputation has been heard, the Chair shall have the right to respond.

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