Thursday, 7 April 2011

Editorial: Why not TWO planning applications? Who benefits from just ONE?

We think it might be worthwhile, trying to separate the NLWA planning application from the Barnet planning application. They do not HAVE to be taken together! 

People would be able to give their views on Barnet's fleet of diesel dustcarts on their doorstep, separately from their worries about an incinerator fuel production plant. 

Remember that the dustcarts do not HAVE to move from Mill Hill East, or if they do (because Barnet wants to sell the land for housing) the borough could find somewhere else - IN BARNET!

There are Freedom of Information Act requests outstanding, to clarify the sale of land from Barnet to the NLWA, and whether it is free of conditions (like planning approval). More on this subject will no doubt follow, but feel free to rattle their cages yourself.

(The NLWA insists that it owns the freehold now of its part of Pinkham Way, with no conditions. But without planning permission, it is a very expensive nature reserve. Why did it insist on purchase so soon?)

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