Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Enfield Conservatives express "Deep Concerns" over Pinkham Way

Enfield Conservative Councillors, along with local residents, have deep concerns about the impact of the proposed Pinkham Way waste plant, on the environment in the area, in relation to pollution and traffic.

We are sceptical about the viability of the proposed scheme, and we are not convinced by the location of the site, which is very close to residential areas, and in a natural valley. There is also grave concern about a 70ft chimney being erected in this valley, and the resulting pollution, especially in certain weather conditions.

Finally, we are concerned, with residents, over the uncertainty over the processes which will be carried out at the plant. These have not been decided yet by the NLWA, since it is still engaged in the bidding process with contractors.

We don’t feel anywhere near enough input and consultation with the public has been done by the NLWA, and it has not fully understood the concerns of local residents. The traffic impact on the A406 could also clog up the road again, removing any benefit from the improvements now being carried out.

As a result, we are requesting a public meeting, to facilitate much more dialogue.

Henry Lamprecht, deputy leader of the Conservatives on Enfield Council, said:
"It is completely unacceptable for North London Waste Authority to come in with their 'It’s a done deal!' attitude. The residents of New Southgate, Bounds Green and Coppets will all be directly affected by this. We're not going to just stand by and let the NLWA dump half of North London's rubbish on our doorstep. We will fight this all the way."

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