Wednesday, 13 April 2011

NLWA Short-list for Incinerators is ALSO cut from Five to Three

"The North London Waste Authority (NLWA) has announced a shortlist of three bidders that have been chosen to develop detailed fuel use solutions under the NLWA procurement. This follows an evaluation of outline solutions that were received in January from five bidders.

The three shortlisted bidders are:
The NLWA's procurement is for modern sustainable waste facilities and is divided between:
  • a contract for waste services, including the production of a solid recovered fuel (SRF) [see earlier post], and:
  • a separate contract(s) for energy generation from the use of that fuel.

The Chair of the NLWA, Councillor Clyde Loakes said:
"Our announcement, reflecting a unanimous decision by NLWA Members, is the second important step forward in our aim of securing a 21st century waste services solution for North London.

"The generation of renewable power from waste that cannot be re-used, recycled or composted, ideally involving Combined Heat and Power (CHP), is a vital part of the high quality environmental solution we are seeking. Accessing the subsidies that are available for green power generation is also vital to minimising the cost of waste disposal to local council taxpayers.

"The Authority has taken an innovative approach to seeking a smart energy solution involving the creation of a refined fuel, allowing the energy opportunity to be moved to where industry has an energy demand, and providing a sustainable transport solution. We are delighted that bidders have grasped this opportunity and brought forward outline solutions that exceed our expectations on cost and on reducing our carbon footprint.

"We look forward to working with the bidders in developing detailed solutions and selecting the best one next year".

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