Tuesday, 31 May 2011

10.30am, 1 June: Darren Johnson AM visits Pinkham Wood

Time: 10.30am
Date: Wednesday 1st June
Meeting Location: Pinkham Way - Keetlewell Close N11 3PZ (south end of Close)

London Assembly Member, Darren Johnson AM, will be visiting Pinkham Way, the site of a proposed new waste plant and refuse lorry depot. He will hear from local residents about air pollution concerns. The plans by the North London Waste Authority would mean 560 vehicles, including 334 waste trucks and other heavy goods vehicles, entering and leaving the site daily.

Darren Johnson said:
"With over a thousand vehicle movements (including many HGVs) a day, the proposed waste plant at Pinkham Way would make air pollution in the area even worse and affect the health of local residents and local schoolchildren. The roads are already some of the most congested in London and residents are right to be concerned about more lorries belching out more fumes. Even without any further traffic increases, a local air quality monitoring station has already recorded 20 bad air days this year and could exceed the legal annual limit of 35 bad air days.

While it is vital that we have new facilities in London to deal with waste, I do not believe that huge facilities of this size or type are the way forward or appropriate in congested urban areas or close to residential areas. The North London Waste Authority should be putting far more emphasis on encouraging collection of doorstep recycling and food waste, rather than concentrating on large new plant for unsorted black bin waste such as this."

27 May: From George Raszka, on behalf of Darren Johnson, Green Party Member of the London Assembly

"Following the concerns raised about the proposed development at Pinkham Way with Darren Johnson AM, Darren has submitted the question (copied below) to Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London. We expect the answer to arrive early next week, which I will send as soon as it is available.

Pinkham Way - North London Waste Authority

Question by Darren Johnson to Boris Johnson
"A large number of concerned constituents have contacted me about the lack of public local consultation and information on the waste plant and depot proposed by North London Waste Authority and the London Borough of Barnet at Pinkham Way, Haringey. They are also concerned about the scale of the proposal, and the adverse impact of 560 refuse carts and other vehicles arriving and departing daily on already-congested and polluted local roads. Whilst I understand that the planning application has not yet been referred to you, what are you doing to make sure that residents' concerns are fully taken account of at this stage?"

Dont hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or help with this matter."

George Raszka

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