Sunday, 22 May 2011

Harrow Times: "Recycling rates hit 50 per cent"

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"RECYCLING rates in Harrow have hit 50 per cent, as plans to [increase] the service to flats are approved.

"A grant of almost £400,000 will pay for blue bins for 8,000 flats previously left out, and Harrow Council hopes all homes will be included by the end of March next year."

[The North London Waste Authority is only planning for 50% recycling by 2020. Yet Scotland expects 70% by 2025, on the way to "Zero Waste" by 2050. Continental cities achieve high percentages, even with large flat numbers, like in north London. 

Harrow is using a financial contribution for flats from the Mayor of London. Note that Barnet and Haringey Councils have failed to obtain any Boris-money for this purpose. Enfield has done so, and no less than 26 out of 32 boroughs have been successful.]

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