Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Letter from the Big Cheese of Enfield Southgate

"Dear Pinkham Way meeting attendee

"Thank you very much for your support in the campaign to 'Say No to Pinkham Way' and for attending my recent public meeting.

"Like you, I am totally opposed to the Pinkham Way site being used for massive waste management. It is in the wrong place at the wrong time. We have worked hard to secure regeneration to the area, and the plan risks degeneration.

"I am urging the Council on the 6th July to vote against these plans. I am also objecting to the 'legal soundness' (the only ground for objection) of the 'North London Waste Plan', on the following grounds:
  1. Traffic: This site will generate over one thousand truck journeys a day, converging on the North Circular next to the site. This will reduce air quality in an area where it is already poor, and will greatly increase congestio,n particularly around the busy Bounds Green junction with the A406.
  2. Regeneration: After years of campaigning, we have finally secured investment to regenerate the North Circular and New Southgate areas, and now the prospect of trucks delivering tonnes of waste risks degeneration. Due to the location of this site, house prices will decrease, businesses will go elsewhere, and the promise of a revival for the N11 area will be jeopardised.
  3. Consultation: Residents were not properly consulted on these plans, and the few that were asked had their opinions ignored. The overwhelming view of residents in Bowes and New Southgate, and the 350 people who attended my public meeting, is that they feel they have had no voice in the formation of these plans.
"There are two stages to make our objections heard. Firstly, we need to object to the North London Waste Plan by 8th July (make your representations at and get Enfield Council to formally object to the plans for the site at Pinkham Way. Secondly, we need to make sure Enfield Council objects to the planning application, which will probably be considered by Haringey Council in November.

"This is the Conservative Councillors' motion to be debated on the 6th July at the Full Council meeting at the Civic Centre:
"Enfield Council resolves to:
  1. object to the identification of Pinkham Way as a suitable site for waste recycling, treatment and related uses in the North London Waste Plan, and
  2. call upon Haringey Council to apply rigorously the sequential test advocated in the NLWP in order to reject any planning application for waste uses on the Pinkham Way site".
"Enfield Council has an opportunity to stop this site blighting our area for a generation. Make sure your local Councillor votes in favour of the motion, and join the rally outside Enfield Council on the 6th July at 6pm.

"Best wishes, David Burrowes MP"

Member of Parliament for Enfield Southgate
PPS to Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP
Westminster Office - 020 7219 5414 Constituency Office - 020 8360 0234

(We note that Oliver Letwin's job description sounds very similar to that of the Right Honorable James Hacker MP. Also, David Burrowes may like to check his Wikipedia page; his 'biography on the Conservative Party web site' is a dead link.]

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