Sunday, 3 July 2011

[Reposted] Monday 4 July: Save Local Newspapers!

 "The National Union of Journalists
 has chosen Enfield as the setting for
 the launch of a national campaign 
 to save local newspapers."

"The dispute over staffing levels and quality journalism at North London and Herts Newspapers has been resolved, following negotiations. The dispute in Enfield centred on non-replacement of journalists at the group’s papers, and led to a strike in April. The NUJ chapel had recently voted to take further strike action.

"NUJ head of publishing Barry Fitzpatrick said:
"I’m pleased that we have been able to hold genuinely positive discussions with management, to resolve the differences between us. Both sides recognise that producing newspapers which serve local communities properly is a business requiring commitment from everybody involved.

Happily, that commitment exists at North London and Herts Newspapers, helping us to resolve our dispute.

We look forward to engaging in further discussions with management at an early date, to consider ways to advance the interests of our members, and the newspapers and communities they serve."
"Join journalists from North London and Herts Newspapers at an NUJ meeting, to launch a national campaign to defend quality journalism, on Monday 4 July. The nearest train station is Enfield Town, and the union welcomes anyone who wishes to come and support the campaign."

Details of the public forum:
Monday 4 July, 6.30pm
Dugdale Centre, 
Thomas Hardy House, 
London Road, 
Enfield Town, 

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