Wednesday, 27 July 2011

The North London Waste Authority speaks (but only a little) ...

"Negotiations are ongoing with bidders, and the final details of the contract will not be known until early 2013. However, it is expected that the Pinkham Way and Edmonton sites will be used for the treatment of residual waste (that which cannot be recycled or composted) in Mechanical Biological Treatment facilities, and not for the use of any Solid Recovered Fuel, which is one of the products. [So no incineration at Pinkham Way or Edmonton. Maybe incineration at Brent Cross?]

"It is normal, in contracts of this type, for bidders to seek guaranteed minimum tonnages, set on the basis of the projected waste volume that has been used to determine the size of the facility, and for the contracting authority to seek to negotiate to keep that guaranteed minimum tonnage as low as possible. [So what happens if north London reduces its waste quantities in the next 25-35 years, more than expected? And is the NLWA any good at negotiating?]

"The waste tonnages that bidders are required to use anticipate a reduction in waste per household, and increasing levels of recycling (from the current 30 per cent to 50 per cent). [Why no higher? In Scotland, it is expected to be 70% by 2025! What happens if it does go higher?]

"It would not be normal for bidders to seek any guarantees on the calorific value of waste - rather, they are normally expected to take risk on the composition of waste in the future. [That probably means they are free to mix in some extra burnable plastics (say), if the NLWA delivers waste that contains 'too little', due to increased recycling (above 50%). Is the NLWA saying that it has no control over that?]

"You may also be aware that the application for a waste facility and vehicle depot at Pinkham Way will not now be considered for a decision by Haringey Council (the planning authority) until the independent planning inspector’s report into the North London Waste Plan, the spatial strategy which will allocate land for waste use within north London, is published. [Bet that Barnet wasn't happy about that!]

"This will allow the designation of the land for waste use to be assessed via the 'North London Waste Plan' process early next year, before any consideration is given to a planning application on the site. The Examination in Public of the North London Waste Plan (proposed submission version) is due to begin in February 2012, and the report issued in April 2012.

"The new timetable will provide local residents with more opportunity to consider our proposals, and the context in which they are made. We will also be providing additional detail which will be helpful. [Does this stop Haringey publishing the planning application, as it exists at the moment? Is it 'sound' as an application by now?The NLWA is only saying they will be adding 'additional detail', not changing anything. Or has the planning application actually been withdrawn, for now?]

See the later

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