Sunday, 10 July 2011

Web site disappointment, and an exchange of prisoners, er, emails

Recycling and waste
... which links to ...

North London Joint Waste Strategy
"The North London Waste Authority (NLWA) and its seven borough partners (Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Harringey, and Waltham Forest) have agreed a Joint Waste Strategy, which sets out the partners' plans for the period until 2020.
"This strategy will be used to facilitate the procurement of new waste management services, to increase recycling and recovery, and divert more waste away from disposal to landfill.
"The 'North London Joint Waste Strategy' also sets out the framework for how waste will be managed, when the Authority's current 'main waste disposal contract' comes to an end in 2014."  

... which links to ...
External Links
... which links to ...

... which says ...
The requested URL was not found on this server.

Meanwhile, there's correspondence about Cllr Michael Rye's comments, in a recent 'Enfield Independent' (and now also 'Barnet Times') article ...

Cllr Alan Sitkin
Dear Mike,
Writing as a ward councillor, I'd like to commend your criticism of Barnet's approach to the North London Waste Plan, as reported in the 8 July 'Enfield Independent' (Enfield Independent: "Tory attacks 'bullying' waste authority over Pinkham Way"). This rejoins and validates the argument that Bowes Labour has been advancing, since the beginning of this sorry Pinkham Way saga, namely, that one fundamental flaw in the whole process is Barnet getting a free ride, to Enfield's detriment.

That being the case, I'd ask you to press Mike Lavender to co-sign the letter to Barnet, proposed in last Wednesday's Council motion.

Similarly, a second step towards resolving this situation, in the interest of all Enfield residents, would be for you to convince the Conservative group to cease its obsession with adding to Edmonton's waste processing burden.

Sincerely, Alan
Cllr Alan Sitkin, Bowes ward

Cllr Michael Rye
Thank you for your email. I have not seen the report or misreport in the Independent, but my point in the debate was Barnet (perhaps not unreasonably) always do their own thing, and are unlikely to change their position.

The real power sits with the Labour group. Labour control the NLWA, and could withdraw the Pinkham Way site, if they so chose. Labour Haringey are the planning authority.

Regards, Mike
Cllr Michael Rye, Town ward

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