Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Daily Telegraph: "Slop buckets don't smell, finds survey - but users fail to cut food waste"

Link to Daily Telegraph

"As part of their ‘zero waste’ policy, the Coalition want food waste to be converted into energy, rather than dumped in landfill. In some council areas this will mean introducing separate food waste collections. It is also claimed that forcing people to collect food scrap separately will make them realise how much is wasted.

"However, the poll of more than 1,000 houses found no significant difference in the perception of the amount of food thrown away, between respondents with a food waste collection and those without. 

"Julian Kirby, FOE waste campaigner, insisted people do throw away less when slop buckets are brought in – but because they do not monitor the amount of waste thrown in the bin before, they do not notice the difference."

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