Tuesday, 8 November 2011

[Updated] NLWA: The Gathering Storm

November update: 
After SIX weeks, the NWLA has managed to get round to publishing the minutes of this meeting!

(The next meeting is Tuesday, 13 December 2011, at 10.00am [if Brian Coleman can manage to park his car].)


Characteristics of Impressionist paintings:
relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes; open composition; emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time); common, ordinary subject matter; the inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience; and unusual visual angles.

Title: 'Committee Room Two, September 2011'


Chair Clyde Loakes enters two minutes late, then does nothing for two minutes, before saying, "Sorry we're a minute late starting..." The little scamp.

Declarations By Members of Personal or Prejudicial Interests in Respect of Items on this Agenda
Up pipes eager-beaver Melvin Cohen (Barnet), regarding Pinkham Way. Others pile in, similarly.

Deputations (If Any)
The good news: There is a deputation, about the behaviour of Veolia, [one of the two companies on the short-list].
The bad news: "We have had legal opinion, and we cannot agree to this."

Public Minutes


To approve and sign the public minutes of the meeting held on 28 June 2011.
[Perhaps the NLWA can continue to make the supreme effort to put the public, and not the private, minutes on the web site.]

Dates of Meetings 2011/12


Report of the Managing Director.
This report sets out proposed dates for Authority meetings in 2011/2012.
Tuesday, 13th December 2011, Friday, 10th February 2012, Friday, 20th April 2012, Tuesday, 3rd July 2012, all at 10am, in Camden Town Hall.

2010/11 Statement of Accounts


Report of the Financial Adviser.

... This report summarises the key findings of the external auditor and invites Members to agree the Authority’s response and to agree the letter of representation.  The revised 2010/11 Statement of Accounts, including the annual governance statement, is also submitted for approval.

2011/12 Second Budget Review


Report of the Financial Adviser. (presumably Bob Bench.)
[Most decimal points have been removed below, to make the text a little less stodgy.]

This report is the second in the current year of a series of regular reports on the Authority’s finances.  It concludes that the Authority is currently forecast to have a revenue surplus of £10.0m at 31 March 2012, i.e. an increase of £2.9m compared with the first budget review. 

Since the last meeting, the Authority has been successful in renegotiating the contract terms for the disposal of waste through the Hendon Waste Transfer Station [Brent Cross, below].

The new contract terms are backdated to 2010 and therefore in addition to reducing the cost of this service in 2011/12 (£0.8m) and future years, the Authority will also benefit from the reduction in a creditor provision made for costs in the 2010/11 accounts (£0.6m).  The residual waste stream in the first four months of the year has reduced significantly compared with the same time last year [our emphasis] and therefore the report indicates that, if this trend continues for the remainder of the year, there could be a net saving of £1.1m in 2011/12.  One borough has also decided not to send its organic waste to the Authority after September 2011, and this should result in a further saving of £0.3m. 

The report also draws attention to the key issues and potential budget pressures.  A further review of the 2011/12 budget, together with an up-to-date detailed assessment of the budget and resource requirements for 2012/13, will be reported to the Authority in December.
(Can't wait.)

Strategy Update


Report of the Procurement Director.
This report provides an update on current legislative, policy and strategy developments that are relevant to the NLWA and seeks delegated authority for officers to make representations and responses to consultations in line with the approaches set out in this paper.
"More certainty is needed! We are meeting Defra!"
(plus 'The Tea-trolley Scandal', mentioned below)

Pinkham Way and North London Waste Plan


Report of the Head of Waste Strategy and Contracts. (Andrew Leppage, left.)
[The report was reproduced earlier.]

This report brings Members up to date on the Authority’s joint planning application with LB Barnet for the development of the Pinkham Way site, and the current planning policy context.
"The designation of Pinkham Way may be affected by the outcome of the North London Waste Plan."

Forward Plan of Decisions


Report of the Managing Director.

This report provides a forward plan of reports for the Authority.

The public and 'the press' (ha!) were then excluded.

 (The 'NLWA Standard', first edition)


Councillor Clyde Loakes
"The Mayor has agreed that Pinkham Way can be designated as a waste site.

That could have been a headache, otherwise."


Out of Sorts:
Councillor Brian Coleman (Barnet):
(picture: Barnet Times)
Inconsiderate parking (very) of his large black Toyota car at Camden Town Hall.

Why, oh why, didn't he get a taxi, and charge it on expenses?

Going Places:

Councillor Clyde Loakes (Waltham Forest):
Great ability to mention the 'Local Government Association' (of which he is Vice-Chair of the Environment Board).

As in: "The LGA joins Defra in ..."

(the rest of the sentence is inaudable, due to a tea-trolley passing the door - but it's 'mission accomplished'.)

or link to HOME (see all posts).

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