Tuesday, 4 September 2012

David Burrowes, MP for Enfield, Southgate

"On August 31st the Inspector gave his ruling, following the suspension of the Examination of the North London Waste Plan.

"The inspector found that the submitted NLWP was not legally compliant, and therefore he could not continue any further with the Examination. The decision was based on the fact that there had not been constructive, active and ongoing engagement during the NLWP's preparation, between the North London Councils and other affected planning authorities'.

David Burrowes MP commented:
"I am pleased, but not surprised, with the conclusion of the Examination, which stops the Pinkham Way development in its tracks.

Pleased, because it knocks back the plan to build a huge waste management site, which would have a serious impact on the local environment for my constituents. Not surprised, because the lack of basic consultation has been a characteristic of the North London Councils' approach to their waste plan. Until I, together with Conservative Councillors and the Pinkham Way Alliance, held public meetings and delivered leaflets, my constituents did not have a clue about the Pinkham Way proposal".

Enfield Council is one of the North London Council,s and now has an opportunity to go back to the drawing board and once and for all shelve the Pinkham Way proposal. I am calling on the Leader of Enfield Council, Cllr Doug Taylor, and Cllr Chris Bond, Cabinet Member for Environment and representative on the NLWA, to put my constituents out of their misery, by formally opposing Pinkham Way as a location for a waste management site."

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