Thursday, 3 January 2013

[Reposted] Harris + Hoole artisan coffee shop 'has spilled beans' on Tesco ownership

Link to The Guardian

" 'I thought: 'That's very brave, opening up next to Starbucks,"' Bridget Chappell, a full-time mum, said of Harris + Hoole, a new coffee shop in north London, next door to a branch of the US coffee behemoth, and four doors down from a Costa Coffee.

" 'I like to try independent shops, and it was really very nice with great coffee,' she said. 'But when I got home, I looked it up and discovered it was a chain.'

"Chappell is one of a growing number of Harris + Hoole's customers discovering that the new, independent-looking, stripped-back coffee shops popping up on high streets across London and the south-east are part of a chain that is up to 49% owned by Tesco."

Link to 'LabourList':

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