Wednesday, 29 December 2010

The Independent Newspaper: "Eighty Giant Furnaces"

Link to The Independent

"...With further capacity for 1.2 million tonnes of waste-burning already planned, the industry is not having it all its own way – despite the backing of business leaders including the CBI, which earlier this year urged councils to bury their objections to building new incinerators."

"Vehement opposition comes from environmentalists, who claim that incinerators contribute to greenhouse gases and discourage councils from meeting more ambitious recycling goals.

The Independent:
Michael McCarthy commentary
The Independent:
"Chancellor opposes waste disposal on his doorstep"

(Courtesy: 'Brent Cross Coalition')

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Pinkham Way move goes to Barnet Cabinet

Report to Barnet Cabinet 29 Nov., here.

"Cabinet approved the sale of the Council’s land at Pinkham Way in LB Haringey to the NLWA for £12.1 million as part of a collaborative joint venture to relocate the Depot and provide for a new waste handling facility. Contracts were exchanged in December 2009. The receipt is due in January 2011, subject to satisfaction of contractual preconditions and completion of the sale. 
"The programme to develop the site for waste and the relocated depot is complex and high risk but is being managed between the Council’s Commercial Directorate (governed by the Relocation Board) and NLWA Procurement team."

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Brent Cross Campaigners Lobby MPs inside House of Commons as Experts Warn of Incineration Dangers

Click above for UKWIN news item, and/or "Read more" if shown below
ENVIRONMENTAL groups opposing the Brent Cross incinerator took their fight to the House of Commons on Tuesday of last week.

Together with invited MPs, they heard leading waste experts spell out the dangers of incinerators, like at Brent Cross, and the arguments for a “zero waste” alternative. However, Mike Freer, local MP for Finchley and Golders Green, failed to attend.

Friday, 29 October 2010

DEFRA: "The offer to support PFI Grant funding for North London Waste Authority is withdrawn."

Link to DEFRA statement
Link to North London Waste Authority
DEFRA: "Defra’s Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme will continue to provide assistance to any projects which continue with their procurement of waste infrastructure in the absence of central government financial support."

Monday, 11 October 2010

UKWIN responds to Defra’s call for evidence

(Click above for link)
 Incineration diverts resources from recycling, and diverts biogenic resources from composting and effective energy recovery via anaerobic digestion. The installation of incinerators, which are inherently energy inefficient, produce toxic emissions and massive quantities of CO2e, and do not save on greenhouse gas emissions, should cease forthwith, and pending the achievement of zero waste, inert non-recyclables should be put to landfill.

Working with local communities leads to both better decision making and a greater sense of ownership, helping to avoid lengthy and costly conflicts between communities, local authorities and waste companies regarding proposed waste facilities. Conversely, civil society in general and local communities in particular are alienated when incinerators are imposed against their will.

Some have expressed experiencing their own local authorities acting as agents for the waste companies, intent on forcing through decisions to build waste incinerators, without due regard for the views of local residents in the vicinity of the proposed developments.

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Haringey DPD: Site Allocations, including Pinkham Way

Too late to comment, but here are contact details to discuss Pinkham Way with Haringey Council...

North London Waste Authority report

(Click on image for report.)

4.4 Haringey Development Management Policies DPD


4.4.1 The Development Management Policies Development Plan Document
(DPD) has been published for a period of public consultation that also
closed on 21 June 2010.  

This DPD is considered to be of particular importance for the Pinkham Way site which is included in the Authority’s Outline Business Case, as it will establish the primary policies against which any planning application will be determined.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

North London Waste Plan:

This report summarises the responses received to the consultation carried out on the draft North London Waste Plan (NLWP), which is officially known as the Preferred Options report.
The responses reported on here are being used to inform the development of the next version of the plan.
Former Friern Barnet Sewage Treatment Works, Pinkham Way, Haringey:
  • Concern about the inclusion of this site was expressed by a significant number of local residents and a range of local organizations, including Hollickwood School, Colney Hatch Residents Association, Bounds Green Residents Association, Hollickwood Community Development Association, Barnet Green Party and local Friends of the Earth groups.
  • The main concerns expressed relate to access to the site (particularly the potential use of residential streets by vehicles using the site), traffic congestion, impacts on residential amenity, health, nature conservation and impacts on the adjacent play area and nearby school and community centre.
  • Natural England expressed concern about the potential impacts on two Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) on the site.
We will consider whether this site should remain in the Plan in the light of the issues raised relating to groundwater and biodiversity, and specific local issues relating to access, amenity and other local impacts. We will also seek assurances from North London Waste Authority that if the site were developed under their current ownership, they would be able to provide access from the slip road off the North Circular, as assumed in our site assessment.

The decision about whether the site remains in the Plan will also be made in the context of a wider review of the overall need for sites in the light of the new waste projections which have been announced by the Mayor since the draft Plan was published.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Not incineration???

Typical Industry Claims About 'Not Incineration' Technologies:

• “Pollution-free”
• “Zero Emissions”
• “Proven To Be Safe”
• “A New Way to Recycle”
• “Waste is Renewable Energy”
• “Closed Loop”
• Alternative to Landfills

Click on picture:

Friday, 21 May 2010

Will Pinkham Way get this as well?

Click below for a lengthy analysis of the Brent Cross Incinerator, further round the North Circular Road:

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Saturday, 13 February 2010