Monday, 3 September 2012

Barnet Labour: "Pinkham Way proposal now in doubt" (What about the Brent Cross proposal?)

Link to Barnet Labour

"[The North London Waste Plan inspector says:]
"The consequence of my conclusion is that the submitted NLWP is not legally compliant, and so I cannot continue any further with the Examination."
"This is not the end of the threat to Pinkham Way, but it does mean the North London Waste Authority will have more difficulty in justifying the need for such a large waste treatment plant as proposed. 

"Deputy Leader of the Barnet Labour Group, and Coppetts ward councillor, Barry Rawlings said:
"I'm not surprised by the findings. At the very best from the NLWP’s point of view, this has created a very long delay, and a lot of uncertainty.

...We see this as an opportunity for the NLWP to reconsider the siting and suitability of the Pinkham Way plant, and we will be urging them to do so."

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