Tuesday 10 April 2012

North London Waste Authority statement on Haringey's Core Strategy

Update - Haringey Core Strategy examination in public
3 April 2012

"You may be aware of recent discussions about Haringey Council’s 'Core Strategy' and the designation of our proposed Pinkham Way site, among others. There has been much debate around the issue, and we feel it might be helpful to give you an update on the situation from the NLWA perspective. When complete, the Core Strategy will provide the long-term spatial vision and spatial planning policies for the borough. In developing the Core Strategy, Haringey Council reviewed the designations of employment land in the borough.

"This consultation was not related to the NLWA’s planning application for Pinkham Way, and was rather about a proposed re-designation of a number of sites (including Pinkham Way) in the Core Strategy from their original designation as 'Employment Locations' to 'Locally Significant Industrial Sites'.

"At a recent examination hearing an independent planning inspector considered the proposed change in more detail, and in the case of Pinkham Way additionally reviewed the proposed change within the context of the site’s additional designation for nature conservation.

"However, whatever definition is eventually applied following the inspector’s report, we firmly believe the proposals put forward by the Authority and Barnet last year for the Pinkham Way site are appropriate and compatible with the site’s designation for employment use and associated nature conservation. The site may also be specifically suitable, and allocated for waste use, subject to the outcome of the North London Waste Plan examination hearing in June.

"Further information on Haringey Council’s Core Strategy consultation is available at the London Borough of Haringey website."

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