Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Barry Rawlings and Pauline Coakley-Webb, of Barnet's Coppetts Ward, oppose Pinkham Wood development

Barry Rawlings
"Pauline Coakley-Webb and myself, as your two Labour councillors in Coppetts Ward, share the concern of local residents, and have requested speaking rights at Haringey planning committee to oppose the proposal, especially on the gridlock it will cause and effect on local air quality.

"We opposed the NLWA Plan at Council, and will continue our opposition in whatever forum we can get heard. We also produced 4000 leaflets for local people, as we believe Barnet Council have not treated consultation seriously, and many residents did not know that the Conservative administration in Barnet had sold the site for a waste treatment centre. It also plans to move its depot to the same site, enabling it to make several million pounds from the Mill Hill East site. The two Barnet reps on the NWLA - Cllrs. Melvin Cohen and Brian Coleman - are supporting the Pinkham Way proposal.

Pauline Coakley-Webb
If you go to the NLWA website, there is a current consultation on their strategic plan which includes the Pinkham Way site. The wider process you ask for would need to be co-ordinated by either the NLWA – which is an alliance of 7 boroughs so the 2 councillors involved are those I have named above – or the Mayor’s office.

We will keep you informed of any actions and I would suggest looking at the Pinkham Way Alliance on Facebook, which is run by local residents, regarding the proposal.

Later comments are here.

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