Friday, 6 May 2011

Pinkham Way (Wood) Alliance: Letter from NLWA to LB of Haringey, June 2010

"The Haringey Local Development Framework:
- Core Strategy, Proposed Submission, May 2010
- Development Management Policies, May 2010
- Site Allocations Development Plan Document, May 2010

"The North London Waste Authority (the Authority) is the statutory waste disposal authority for the North London area, which includes the London Borough of Haringey. In that capacity, the Authority has a need to identify and procure sites for new waste facilities within the North London area. This need is driven by legislative requirements to cease disposing of so much waste to landfill (outside of London) and to adopt more sustainable solutions to the growing volumes of waste that are anticipated to arise in North London over the coming years.

"If the Authority does not meet these legislative targets there will be both financial penalties and increased costs as a result that would then be borne by our levy-paying constituent borough councils and therefore by local residents too. This provides the background for the Authority’s standing to comment on the proposed submission stage for the Haringey Core Strategy and associated development plan documents.

"The Authority’s comments in particular address the development management policies regarding environmental protection and an environmentally sustainable future and three specific sites listed in the site allocations development plan document. 

"The Authority additionally urges more reference to waste-fed boilers and combined heat and power systems within the Core Strategy, in addition to requesting that the role of waste services and facilities as essential community infrastructure is given more prominence across the suite of documents.  
[Our emphases]

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