Sunday, 7 August 2011

Wales goes for 70% recycling; NLWA only says 50% (admittedly at an earlier date, but it's a much weaker target)

Link to North Wales web site

"As Wales has becomes the first country in the UK to set legally binding recycling targets, it is important to keep in mind that the service will not be a replacement for recycling. In fact, every council in the Partnership is committed to reducing waste as well as increasing their recycling levels to reach the Welsh Government’s target of 70 percent by 2025.

"The Welsh Government has also set challenging targets for the amount of waste that Welsh councils can landfill in future, with only 5 percent of waste allowed to be taken to landfill after 2025. Even after reducing waste and increasing recycling rates, there still remains some waste to treat in order to meet these targets."

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