Thursday 24 March 2011

Enfield's New Southgate plan

"Enfield Council asserts that the concerns of residents, tenants and traders have been taken into account. ... In reality, what is proposed is an autocratic 'developers' charter', without meaningful regard for our views and interests."

Below left: 'Enfield Independent' letter this week.  
Map and text: 'Enfield's Design Guidelines' (2009)

(Click to enlarge)
North Circular Area Action Plan

The North Circular Area Action Plan (AAP) is being prepared for the area around the North Circular between the A109 at Bounds Green and the A10, and includes New Southgate and the Ladderswood Way Estate. This will set the detailed local planning policy for the area.

A Preferred Options Report for the North Circular AAP was published in 2008, which identifies New Southgate and the Ladderswood Way Estate as a Place Shaping Priority Area, the objectives of which are to undertake a holistic integrated approach to development, and for which a masterplan will be prepared.

(Click to enlarge; and
usually again to magnify)
It is anticipated that the preparation of the North Circular Area Action Plan will move forward in 2010.

New Southgate Masterplan

The preparation of the New Southgate Masterplan is well advanced in its development, and includes the New Ladderswood Estate. Significant elements of the Masterplan will have implications for proposals for the Ladderswood Way Estate. These include the possible redevelopment to the South of Station Road, works to Station Road, treatment of High Road and new connections through to the northwest corner of the Ladderswood Way Estate and wider traffic management strategies. The adjacent map shows how the Ladderswood Way Estate links in with the surrounding masterplan area and identifies opportunities for change in the wider area.

It is anticipated that a preferred option for the New Southgate Masterplan will be published for public consultation early 2010, with adoption by Enfield Council later 2010. Within the context of the LDF, the New Southgate Masterplan will incorporate the Ladderswood Way Estate design principles and financial considerations, and will be approved as a Supplementary Planning Document, on adoption of the Core Strategy.

Development Management Document and Enfield Design Guide

It is noted that a Development Management Document and an Enfield Design Guide will be prepared as part of the LDF, which will detail development standards and urban design guidance for development in the Borough.

An earlier 'Enfield Independent' story is here.

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