Sunday, 10 April 2011

'Pinkham Way Alliance' says demonstrate: Tuesday 12 April, 6.15pm, Hendon Town Hall: Barnet votes on North London Waste Plan!

"Most of the 'Pinkham Way Alliance' committee will be at this demonstration – there is a group of 20-30 people that has been meeting each week, so it's also a chance to talk to us face-to-face!"

"Tuesday's Council will be attended by all sixty-three Councillors. On the agenda is to approve Barnet's 'Local Development Framework' (including the 'North London Waste Plan') as agreed by Cabinet on 29 March.

"If approved, the 'North London Waste Authority' will feel able to submit the planning application to Haringey Council for the Pinkham Way site, jointly with Barnet Council.

"Why are we protesting? To let our local elected Councillors know that we are not happy with the lack of proper community consultation, and the lack of independent scrutiny. The publicity generated by the last protest helped us to raise community awareness, and the momentum for our campaign is growing rapidly. The coverage by the BBC, the Evening Standard, and the local papers has done more to engage local residents in a week, than two years of careful manouvering by the NLWA.

"If the Council chooses to shift responsibility for the welfare of the residents it represents to the NLWA and Haringey Council, we will be seeking a review of how these planning proposals, with so many stakeholders involved, are carried out.

"The Council meeting begins at 7:00pm. If possible, please assemble from 6:15pm onwards, at Hendon Town Hall, The Burroughs, London, NW4 4BG. The meeting's agenda is here."

Our view: If you attend, and make it to the public gallery, please record the Waste Plan agenda item on your mobile (just of the council members in the chamber, not of people in the gallery, for privacy reasons). Or take a few still pictures, or make an audio recording. Please send your files to this web site. (It is not unlawful to make these recordings - see the 'Barnet Eye' web site and other bloggers.)

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