Thursday, 27 September 2012

Friern Barnet Library: colourful language

Friern Barnet
 Community Library
Open Mic in Friern Barnet Library tonight,
Thursday 27th Sept - 7-9 pm
Amongst others:
Arnie playing jazz,
Laraine with belly dancing show
and other special guests;
everyone welcome!
All performers welcome!

FANTASTIC NEWS over 3,000 books have been donated, **thank you** everyone. We also need SHELVERS! CHAIRS! TABLES! COMPUTERS!
Meeting with council officials, Friary House, Friary Park WEDNESDAY 3rd Oct 3.00pm (tbc) - all welcome. Various working groups have been set up, come into the library and join us.

Please bring food to share - evening meal every night at 7pm
Tues 6.30pm-7.30pm Pilates
Wed 6.00pm-7.00pm New Author - reading from his novel
7.00pm-8.15pm Yoga – come, enjoy some peaceful exercise
Thu 11.30am-12.15pm Teddy Bears' Picnic - stories and activities
7.00pm-9.00pm Music night - open mic
Friday 4.00pm-5.00pm French - beginners and advanced

10.00am-12noon Chemistry Lesson GCSE/A level
7.00pm- 9.00pm Mr Reasonable and the Magic Box – one of Barnet’s famous five bloggers - tells us about "ONE BARNET" plans for privatisation + discussion
also Pete the Temp:
and Catherine (Cat) Brogan:

Get involved!

We need your help to save the library:
Sign up to the rota: the library will only be able to stay open if we have enough people to staff it. We need people to volunteer for two hour slots to check books in and out, accept donations, etc. If you can spare the time, please stop in at the library and sign up to the rota.
Make yourself heard: phone, email, text, tweet and visit Barnet Council and the media explaining why the library is important.
Spread the word: tell friends and neighbours about us.
Come and meet us: we have organising meetings each Monday at 6.00pm - 7.00pm

Date for diary - Wednesday 10th October 8.30pm - Come and hear the fabulous Digitalis group!!!

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