Saturday, 8 September 2012

'Let's Recycle': "Home counties welcome North London ruling"

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"Planning authorities outside of London have welcomed the ruling that north London boroughs must discuss the North London Waste Plan with them.

"... Deborah Sacks, convenor of the South East Waste Planning Advisory Group (SEWPAG) said she believed an agreement could be reached between the regional bodies and the North London councils:
"This is a big deal, and we are itching to talk to them. We have our data and we would like more discussion.

“There are important issues to talk about especially as authorities outside of London have made provision to take in waste from the capital. And, we are looking at a picture where we will see waste movements, possibly with Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Essex having less landfill space, and London waste being sent more to landfills in Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes and Bletchley."

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