Wednesday, 14 September 2011

[Reposted] Thursday 15 September: Bounds Green & District Residents’ Association AGM

"The fight for Pinkham Wood is probably the most serious issue to be faced by Bounds Green residents in a generation!

"However supportive one might be towards the problems associated with the disposal of London’s waste, it is hard to understand how anybody could possibly think it acceptable to place a huge waste processing plant, possibly the largest in Europe, in the middle of a residential community in North London. 

"Of course, the behaviour of the people behind this monstrous plan clearly demonstrates that they are fully aware of the absurdity of their proposals. The senior management of the North London Waste Authority refuses to attend public meetings.   

"The Board of the North London Waste Authority (including elected representatives from Haringey Council) happily sought planning permission for Pinkham Wood before the democratically constituted government public enquiry has considered the suitability of Pinkham Wood as a site. This is all ample evidence of the unthinking, uncaring attitude of those in whom we have placed our trust, that they will manage our civic affairs with care and consideration.

"Perhaps most telling of all is the contempt with which we have all been treated.  

"Despite, we understand, a number of meetings between the NLWA and Haringey planners, the NLWA has submitted a deficient outline planning application, which the Haringey planners are struggling to validate. Weeks after its submission, the NLWA appears not to have been able to satisfactorily answer the Haringey planners questions, even though it has had years to prepare its submission.  "One is left with the impression that the NLWA is a hugely arrogant organisation, which has demonstrated its incompetence at the first hurdle. How we can expect the NLWA to properly manage and control an international waste operator, highly experienced with billions of global revenues, when it cannot even submit a simple planning application properly! 

"Notwithstanding the recent success in convincing Haringey Council, Barnet Council and the NLWA to pause the outline planning application until after the public enquiry, the threat of this plant remains very high, and the local community must remain vigilant, and ready to take the next steps towards defeating this monstrous plan. 

"We urge you to come to the Bounds Green & District Residents’ Association AGM – see details below – and get an update on the situation. We hope to see ward councillors from both Bounds Green Ward and Alexandra Ward – so come and meet your local representatives. Non-members also are very welcome."
Bounds Green and District Residents’ Association
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 15th September 2011, 8pm
Scout Park, Gordon Road, N11 2PB

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