Tuesday, 21 June 2011

New 4-year Strategy announced by the 'London Waste and Recycling Board' (bet you didn't even know it existed)

Link to LWARB web site

"The Business Plan commits LWARB to a more focussed infrastructure programme. To date, LWARB has made fund commitments to a significant amount of waste infrastructure, the majority of it located in east London, such as:
  • a gasification plant, 
  • anaerobic digestion (AD) plant, and 
  • a waste to renewable fuel facility.

"LWARB will continue to fund waste infrastructure, with priority given to projects that will make a significant contribution towards closing the capacity gap outlined in the Mayor’s 'Municipal Waste Management Strategy', but is particularly interested in those projects that are located outside of east London.

"The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said:
"I am determined for London to unleash the huge economic and environmental benefits coming from our waste. [We say: That must not mean burning residual waste!] LWARB's funding is already helping Londoners to recycle more and investing in facilities to manage waste in a cleaner, greener way."

The London Waste and Recycling Board was established by the GLA Act 2007, to promote and encourage:
  • the production of less waste
  • an increase in the proportion of waste that is re-used or recycled
  • the use of methods of collection, treatment and disposal of waste which are more beneficial to the environment in London.

Link to Daily Mail

Daily Mail: "Oh no BoJo! Now the Mayor of London gets tangled up with a digger in his latest visit mishap"

"The Conservative Mayor of London got caught out when exiting the cab of JCB as he opened an £80m gasification plant in Dagenham, east London.

"The plant will turn household rubbish into fuel, producing enough power to supply 15,000 homes, and reducing the burden on landfill sites."

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