Thursday, 20 October 2011

Bowes and Bounds Connected: 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'

Link to 'B&B' web site
for photographs of last Saturday
(scroll down on link)

"One of the most contentious local developments for many years is the proposed waste processing plant just along the North Circular at Pinkham Way.

"Opposition to the development has focussed on its scale, impact on air quality, or the suitability of its location next to schools and residential areas. Yet within the community campaigning there is an acceptance that the waste we are all generating needs to be dealt with, and ideally we should all be working to ensure we reduce the amount of waste produced in the first place.

"The Bowes and Bounds Connected website carries an extensive set of resources providing lots of useful local information about waste prevention and tips on how to resuse and recycle a huge range of materials.

"In reality, the need for massive waste reprocessing plants can only be removed when there is a collective reduction in the stuff we all put in our bins.

"On 15 October the Bowes Park Community Association held an Environment Fair to help share information about what we can do locally to reduce waste, save water, reduce energy usage, and lessen the environmental impact of our travel. But it wasn't all doom and gloom and serious stuff ... the way to really make the important behaviour changes -particularly for young people -is to make it simple and fun. We celebrated our local environment and met our neighbours ... and there was cake!"

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