Sunday, 3 July 2011

Enfield Council Meeting, Wednesday 6 July 2011

Link to agenda

14.2 In the name of Councillor Lavender

Councillor Lavender
(on the Enfield web site, this file is
called "bigmug", although it is for
many other councillors, as well)

“Enfield Council resolves to:
  1. object to the identification of Pinkham Way as a suitable site for waste recycling, treatment and related uses in the North London Waste Plan, and
  2. call upon Haringey Council to apply rigorously the sequential test advocated in the NLWP in order to reject any planning application for waste uses on the Pinkham Way site.”

Link above to
Core Strategy Pre-submission Representations
Delivering sustainable waste management
December 2009

Edmonton 'Eco Park'
"The Council will support the provision of sufficient, well-located waste management facilities, which will increase the self-sufficiency of North London and meet the combined apportionment figures of the constituent boroughs of the North London Waste Plan (NLWP) by:
  • Safeguarding existing waste management sites, transfer sites and any additional sites located in Enfield that are identified in the NLWP, unless compensatory site provision is made elsewhere within the seven boroughs;
  • Prioritising more efficient use of existing waste sites followed by the reorientation of existing transfer sites to waste management. Should these sites not prove suitable to meet waste management needs, potential new waste sites will be identified in the NLWP; and
  • Continuing to support the use of the Edmonton Eco-Park as a strategic waste site and working with the North London Waste Authority and London Waste  to secure a more sustainable and efficient use of the site after the current incinerator is decommissioned.
"The Policy will be implemented through the Council's development management service and in partnership with the six north London boroughs who are jointly producing the North London Waste Plan. The same boroughs are responsible for collection and disposal of municipal waste through the activities of the North London Waste Authority (NLWA).

"The NLWA has produced a North London Waste Strategy, which sets out how the seven boroughs can achieve sustainable management of municipal waste. The NLWA is currently in the process of procuring sites to enable this."

Link above to 8-page PDF:
'Public Examination into the Haringey Core Strategy'
June 2011

"Number, type and capacity of waste facilities approved and completed at:
  1. safeguarded sites (Schedules A and B); 
  2. new sites identified (Schedule C); [this includes Pinkham Wood]
  3. non-allocated sites."
Reason / Target:
"Development in accordance with the sequential test as set out in the NLWP Policy 2 – Location of Waste Development.
Development to meet [the London Mayor's] apportionment targets."

Below is a recent addition to the NLWP main web page (people haven't been writing in about Pinkham Way, have they?)

Pinkham Way clarification

"The North London Waste Plan identifies a range of sites for the future management of North London's Waste, including the site at Pinkham Way. The Plan also includes policies against which all waste planning applications will be assessed. The planning application for a waste facility on the Pinkham Way site is a separate process being brought forward by a separate organisation - the North London Waste Authority. Details of their emerging proposals for the site can be found on their website.

"You can comment on the principle of the Pinkham Way site being used for waste management via the Have Your Say page on this website. However, comments on the detailed proposals for the site should be directed to the London Borough of Haringey once the planning application is published. Once the application has been validated, the details will be made available on the Haringey website. Comments can be sent by email."

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