Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The BG&DRA growls, the world listens

Your residents association needs you....

"Ok – this is the biggest one so far! Remember Barnet Town Hall in March? On Monday 18th July, there is a full council meeting at Haringey Civic Centre, and we need you to turnout again, to show your vocal support for the Pinkham Way Alliance.

"The meeting isn’t deciding the outcome of the outline planning application, but a friendly Councillor (Juliet Solomon) has raised a motion she wants other Councillors to support. It highlights the scandalous lack of consultation and disregard for local residents needs. Here is an extract from the full text to get your blood boiling…
This Council deplores:
  • The secrecy with which the plan, proposal and change in land-use designations has been developed over the last two years
  • The lack of communication with residents and members by Haringey Council’s Labour representatives on the North London Waste Authority (NLWA)
  • Labour’s change of the land designation in November 2010, without wide consultation of local residents, which facilitated the progress of the Pinkham Way plans
  • The failure of Labour members on the NLWA to object to the Pinkham Way plans and represent the interests of our community.
"Yes that’s right! Haringey has re-designated the land yet again without consultation. It’s clear that if they can legally get away with it, then they will try. So we have to stop them by showing our disgust at their behaviour, and shaming them in to a U-turn wherever we can.

"So please turn up from 6.30pm on Mon 18th at Haringey Civic Centre, with your chanting voice ready for action. 'No Way, Pinkham Way'!”

And another thing...

After some dogged determination by our bgdra treasurer – Ron Lock – some progress has been made with sorting out the dog mess problem on Bounds Green Road.

Although our local Councillors state we won’t be getting any more dog litter bins, they have conceded that other litter bins can be used instead.

So no more excuses fellow Bounds Green residents! Bag it! Bin it! Or we’ll unleash the hounds….

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